about me

i'm madison taylor.
i'm a 15 year old girl who likes to blog and hang out in coffee shops. 
i like maxi skirts and heels.
i love to shop and its a problem. 
i always like knowing people's middle names.
i'm only 5'3" and i actually like it. 
i'm in love with hedgehogs and one day i will plan to have one as a pet.
i'm a humane society volunteer and i like cats (crazy cat lady maybe?) and dogs. 
actually i just like animals in general and my dream is to one day own a petting farm.
i'm an ASL (American Sign Language)  student and i am going to major as an ASL interpreter along with a teaching degree.  
i  really like plants. 
and i think that cacti and succulents are pretty cool. 
i like sweet tea and i'm pretty southern.
i love everything fitness and i could spend lots of money on workout clothes. 
my dream is to move to germany.
but since i probably won't do that, i want to move to the mountains. 
even though i live near the beach right now. 
i'm a sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. 
and i hope you will join me in this journey of life.  

picture credit: Hannah Elizabeth Photography